Kaspersky Unveils 5 World Cup Scams

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The FIFA World Cup is one of the most widely watched sporting events in the world, and with it comes the risk of scams. Kaspersky Lab, a cybersecurity firm, has identified five of the most common World Cup scams that have already begun.

From fake ticket scams to fake merchandise scams, and even phishing scams, the World Cup is full of opportunities for fraudsters to take advantage of unsuspecting fans.

If you’re planning to attend the tournament, you’ll want to be aware of these potential scams and how to avoid them.

In this article, we’ll look at the five main scams and offer advice on how to protect yourself from them.

Key Takeaways

  • FIFA World Cup is a prime target for scams, with common scams including fake ticket sales, fake merchandise, phishing emails, and links to malicious websites.
  • Fans should only purchase tickets from official vendors and be cautious of online offers that seem too good to be true.
  • To avoid falling for counterfeit merchandise scams, consumers should verify the authenticity of items and purchase from official retailers or online stores.
  • It is important to be vigilant and avoid clicking on links or attachments in suspicious emails, as they may lead to malicious websites or result in personal data theft.

Fake Ticket Scams

Don’t get caught out – fake ticket scams are lurking around the World Cup! Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company, has identified five common scams that could affect unsuspecting fans during the tournament in Russia.

Ticket frauds are one of the biggest threats. Counterfeit products are being sold online at inflated prices, often through unofficial ticket vendors. Anyone who buys a fraudulent ticket may not be able to get into the match or worse, be turned away at the gates.

Another risk is that hackers have set up fake websites which look like official vendor sites and offer tickets at bargain prices. However, it’s likely that the tickets will be fake or that buyers will be charged high amounts after the purchase. Kaspersky also warns that buyers should be aware of phishing emails from email addresses that appear to be from official vendors.

Fans should also be vigilant about online offers for tickets that are too good to be true. If the price seems too cheap, then it’s highly likely that the tickets are counterfeit. People should make sure they only purchase tickets from official vendors and be wary of any offers on social media.

The key for fans is to be vigilant and only purchase tickets through official vendors. Those who are caught out by ticket frauds may not only lose money, but also miss out on the experience of the World Cup. With the right measures in place, fans can be sure that their World Cup experience will be safe and enjoyable.

To ensure this, it’s important to stay informed about the latest scams and be aware of the risks.

Next up, let’s look at the dangers of fake merchandise scams.

Fake Merchandise Scams

Beware of counterfeit goods, as they could easily cost you more than you bargained for. Fake merchandise scams target consumers looking to purchase World Cup apparel and memorabilia. Counterfeit dealers often sell low-quality products that are not officially licensed and can lead to financial loss.

To avoid falling victim to these scams, it is important to verify the authenticity of any items purchased. Always check the source before making a purchase to ensure that the item is legitimate.

Another way to avoid counterfeits is to purchase items directly from an official retailer or online store. Be sure to look out for the official merchandise logos, which can be found on the products and packaging. Additionally, double check all prices to make sure they aren’t too good to be true. If the price is much lower than you’d expect, it’s likely counterfeit.

In addition, be aware of scams involving fake websites. Cybercriminals often create websites that appear to be legitimate to convince consumers to purchase counterfeit items. To avoid this, ensure that the URL of the website is spelled correctly and that the domain name is legitimate.

It’s important to remember to be vigilant when purchasing World Cup merchandise. Taking the necessary precautions and verifying the source of items can help avoid falling victim to counterfeit goods and financial loss. To ensure that your purchases are legitimate, it’s important to educate yourself about the potential scams and verify the authenticity of goods.

Transitioning to the next section, phishing scams are a common way for cybercriminals to steal sensitive data and personal information.

Phishing Scams

You need to be aware of phishing scams that can target you during the World Cup. Fake emails and messages may appear as if they come from legitimate sources, but they can actually contain links to malicious websites.

Additionally, some of these emails may contain malicious attachments that can put your personal data and information at risk.

Be sure to remain vigilant and always think twice before clicking on any links or attachments in emails.

Fake emails and messages

Be sure to double-check any emails or messages related to the World Cup before you click any links or attachments. Kaspersky has unveiled five common scams to watch out for, including fake emails and messages. To protect yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Check reviews before engaging with an offer.nn2. Monitor your accounts for suspicious activity.nn3. Avoid clicking on links from unknown senders.nn4. Never download attachments from any email, even if it appears to be legitimate.

By being aware of these scams, you can keep yourself safe and enjoy the World Cup.

Next, let’s take a look at the links to malicious websites that could come with these emails and messages.

Links to malicious websites

Watch out for links to malicious websites that come with fake emails and messages related to the World Cup – they could put your security at risk. Kaspersky recently unveiled five common scams that have been targeting unsuspecting fans. One of these is links to malicious websites. These links often appear to be legitimate and offer fraudulent online payments, fake sweepstakes, and malicious downloads. Be especially cautious when clicking on any links related to the World Cup, as they could lead to malware or ransomware attacks. Stay informed and safe by avoiding suspicious websites and emails. If you do encounter a link, verify it by contacting the sender directly or checking a reliable source. To stay even safer, use a reliable security solution that can detect and block malicious links. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy the World Cup without worrying about cyber threats. Now, let’s move on to the next scam – fake sweepstakes.

Fake Sweepstakes Scams

Fake sweepstakes scams are a common form of fraud that promise prizes that don’t exist. They usually come in the form of emails or social media posts that contain links to malicious websites. Be wary of these false promises of prizes; they could lead to identity theft or other serious issues.

False promises of prizes

Don’t get fooled – fake World Cup-related prizes are out there, so be sure to double-check any offers you get! Kaspersky warns of prize frauds that make unrealistic offers, like a trip to the World Cup, that seem too good to be true. These scams prey on the enthusiasm of soccer fans and use false promises of prizes to get them to click on malicious links. They also may use the logos and trademarks of legitimate companies to appear more credible.

Be aware of these tactics and don’t be tempted by the allure of these bogus prizes. Instead, do your research and make sure any offers are legit before clicking on any links. It’s important to stay vigilant and be cautious of any offers you receive – the next section will discuss malicious links associated with World Cup scams.

Links to malicious websites

Moving from false promises of prizes to links to malicious websites, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with clicking on such links. As Kaspersky has warned, these links can lead to identity theft and a data breach. To protect yourself, it’s important to be highly vigilant and think twice before clicking on any links related to the World Cup. See the table below for a breakdown of potential risks of clicking on malicious links.

Risks Prevention
Identity Theft Use two-factor authentication
Data Breach Install antivirus software
Malware Review website before clicking links
Phishing Check URL for accuracy before clicking
Spam Do not respond to unsolicited emails

By taking the necessary precautions, you can help protect yourself from the potential risks associated with malicious links. To further enhance your security, it’s equally important to be aware of the threat of fake social media accounts.

Fake Social Media Accounts

Social media accounts are often imitated by fraudsters as a way to deceive unsuspecting victims. Fake accounts often appear to be legitimate, making it difficult for users to identify them.

It is important to be aware of this type of scam, as these fake accounts are often used to link to malicious websites or to solicit personal information from unsuspecting victims.

Be vigilant and always double-check accounts before providing any personal information.

Impersonating legitimate accounts

One of the most common World Cup scams involves impersonating legitimate accounts in order to obtain personal information, such as passwords and financial details. Criminals create fake accounts that masquerade as real companies, organizations, and people. They can use this to gain access to your account, spread malware, or even steal money.

Below is a quick overview of some of the most common scams to watch out for:

Scam Action Impact
Social Media Account Impersonation Criminals create fake accounts that masquerade as real people or organizations Check account security and verify sources to protect from identity theft
Fake Links Unsolicited emails or messages containing malicious links Links can lead to malicious websites where your personal data can be stolen

It’s important to be aware of these types of scams during the FIFA World Cup. Be sure to check account security and verify sources before clicking on any links. Doing so may help protect you from becoming a victim of identity theft or other malicious activities. Taking some extra precautions can help ensure a safe and secure World Cup experience.

Links to malicious websites

Be wary of links sent through unsolicited emails or messages as they may lead to malicious websites where your personal data can be stolen.

Kaspersky has uncovered several scams related to the World Cup that involve links leading to malicious websites. One example is connection sharing, where users are tricked into sharing their Wi-Fi connection with a website that appears legitimate. Additionally, deceptive ads have been used to manipulate users into clicking on malicious links.

All of these scams can lead to phishing, malware attacks, or other malicious activities. It’s important to be vigilant when clicking on any links, especially those sent from unknown sources. Stay safe by only clicking on links from trusted sources, and always double-check the URL before clicking. Doing so will help you avoid falling victim to these deceptive scams and protect your personal data.

Advice for Staying Safe

As the World Cup approaches, it’s important to keep safety in mind when it comes to social media. Research any websites or offers that look too good to be true, and never click on suspicious links.

It’s also important to ensure that your anti-virus software is up-to-date in order to protect your device from malicious software.

By following these steps, you can stay safe and enjoy the World Cup without worry.

Research any websites or offers

Take a moment to research any websites or offers that seem suspicious. Don’t get fooled by any scams out there – stay safe and enjoy the World Cup!

Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Check reviews from trusted sources
  • Verify the sources of the offers
  • Research offers carefully
  • Be wary of any suspicious links
  • Look out for "too good to be true" offers

Take the extra time to make sure the offers you’re receiving are legitimate. Don’t click on anything that looks suspicious and always double-check with trusted sources.

Don’t click on suspicious links

Beware of any links that seem too good to be true; they could lead to dangerous scams! With the FIFA World Cup underway, cybercriminals have been busy pushing malicious links and downloads that are disguised as legitimate offers. These concealed links may seem harmless, but they can lead to malicious downloads that can put your data and device at risk.

Be sure to steer clear of any suspicious links, no matter how tempting they may be. Use updated anti-virus software to protect your devices and ensure your personal information is kept safe.

It’s also important to stay informed on the latest scams and be aware of any suspicious links in your inbox. By being mindful of potential scams and taking preventive measures, you can help protect yourself and your devices from malicious downloads.

Use updated anti-virus software

Keeping your devices safe from malicious downloads starts with using updated anti-virus software. To stay alert to the risks of online security threats, it’s important to ensure that your anti-virus software is always up to date.

Without updated security, malicious downloads can easily infiltrate your computer and wreak havoc on your files. It’s essential to have the latest anti-virus software to protect your devices from viruses, ransomware, and other malicious software.

Online security threats are constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep your anti-virus software up to date. Many anti-virus programs are constantly monitoring your computer for any malicious attempts. Additionally, you should also be sure to regularly run scans and updates on your computer to ensure that your security is up to date.

With the right security measures in place, you can help protect yourself and your devices from potential threats. It’s essential to keep your anti-virus software updated in order to stay secure online. Staying alert and utilizing updated security can help protect your devices from malicious downloads and other security threats. With the right anti-virus software, you can keep your devices safe and secure.


As the 2018 World Cup nears, it’s important to remember the potential scams you might encounter. Kaspersky has identified five common scams to look out for:

  • Fake ticket scams
  • Fake merchandise scams
  • Phishing scams
  • Fake sweepstakes scams
  • Fake social media accounts

It’s important to stay vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from becoming a victim of one of these scams. Be sure to do your research and verify the authenticity of any activity you plan to take part in, and if something feels off, trust your gut and stay away.