Kpmg Survey: Blockchain Will Change Businesses

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Recent research conducted by KPMG reveals that blockchain technology is set to revolutionize the way businesses operate. You may have heard of blockchain in the context of cryptocurrencies, but the potential for this technology goes far beyond that.

From increased security to faster transaction times, blockchain has a lot to offer businesses. But the technology is not without its challenges.

In this article, we will look at the findings of the KPMG survey, explore the benefits and challenges of blockchain, consider its business applications, and discuss the implications for businesses.

Get ready to explore the potential of blockchain and uncover the possibilities for your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Executives believe blockchain technology can enhance data security, reduce fraud, and create trust.
  • Most executives are already investing in blockchain technology and view it as essential for the future.
  • Over two-thirds of respondents believe blockchain technology can be scaled up for larger deployments.
  • Nearly half of the respondents are already using blockchain technology and 39% are planning to implement it in the next three years.

Overview of KPMG Survey

According to KPMG’s survey, blockchain has the potential to transform businesses. The survey, conducted in 2018, aimed to explore the impact of blockchain technology on businesses. It revealed the potential of blockchain to solve data security and trust issues, which have long been a challenge in many industries.

The survey gathered responses from over 200 C-level executives worldwide who have already implemented or are planning to implement blockchain technology. The survey revealed that most executives are confident that blockchain can enhance data security, reduce fraud, and create trust between businesses and customers.

It also found that most executives believe blockchain will lead to greater transparency, automation, and efficiency in their businesses. Furthermore, the survey revealed that most executives are already investing in blockchain technology and view it as an essential tool for the future.

The survey also found that most executives are aware of the challenges associated with implementing blockchain technology. Despite these challenges, most executives are confident that blockchain will revolutionize the way businesses operate.

The KPMG survey has demonstrated that blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize businesses and solve long-standing data security and trust issues. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely that more and more businesses will begin to implement it in their operations.

Moving forward, it is essential that businesses understand the potential of this technology and how it can help them become more efficient, secure, and trusted.

Findings of Survey

The survey reveals that blockchain technology is set to revolutionize the way businesses operate. Key findings from the KPMG survey include:

  • Data security: On average, 67% of respondents reported that blockchain technology can increase data security.

  • Trustworthiness: 50% of respondents reported that blockchain technology can increase trustworthiness within their respective organizations.

  • Scalability: Over two-thirds of the respondents (68%) reported that blockchain technology can be scaled up for larger deployments.

The survey also found that there is a growing awareness and acceptance of blockchain technology among businesses. Nearly half of the respondents (48%) said they were already using blockchain technology, and an additional 39% said they were planning to implement it in the next three years. The respondents also reported that, on average, their organizations are allocating significant resources towards blockchain technology implementation.

In addition, the respondents expressed their belief that blockchain technology has the potential to transform their respective industries. They indicated that, in the future, blockchain technology could enable new business models and collaborations, and potentially disrupt existing ones. As such, many organizations are taking a proactive approach in exploring and leveraging blockchain technology’s capabilities.

The survey highlights the potential of blockchain technology to unlock value and create new opportunities for businesses. With the right strategies and investments, organizations can benefit from the advantages of blockchain technology and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Benefits of Blockchain

Adopting blockchain technology can provide organizations with an array of benefits, from improved data security to increased trustworthiness and scalability. The technology’s distributed ledger system is resistant to data tampering and provides a secure, immutable record of transactions. This allows businesses to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and maintain trust between customers and stakeholders. Additionally, blockchain can enable businesses to reduce costs associated with fraud prevention and compliance.

The ability to reduce trust issues is another key benefit of blockchain technology. Businesses can use the blockchain to digitally authenticate transactions and store data in a secure, distributed ledger, eliminating the need for manual check-ups and verification. This allows organizations to reduce overhead costs for authentication and verification processes.

Benefits Impact
Data security Reduced trust issues, increased efficiency
Trustworthiness Reduced overhead costs
Scalability Reduced fraud prevention and compliance costs

Blockchain solutions are also highly scalable. Thanks to its ability to store data in a distributed ledger, businesses can quickly and easily transfer data across multiple systems. This allows businesses to reduce the time and cost of processing transactions, making it easier to scale operations.

The blockchain offers numerous benefits for businesses, from improved data security and trustworthiness to scalability and cost reductions. With these advantages, businesses can reduce their risks and leverage the technology to create more efficient and secure operations.

Challenges of Blockchain

You may have heard of the many potential benefits of blockchain technology, but there are still some challenges that must be addressed.

Regulatory uncertainty, lack of knowledge, and high initial costs to implement blockchain systems are just a few of the issues that need to be tackled in order for businesses to take full advantage of this innovative technology.

Before jumping into blockchain implementation, it’s essential to understand the risks and complexities involved in order to maximize its potential.

Regulatory Uncertainty

Despite public opinion and legal implications, businesses are looking to blockchain technology to revolutionize their operations. Regulatory uncertainty still exists, but companies are increasingly willing to embrace the risk of navigating complex regulatory frameworks.

Businesses that have already adopted blockchain technology have been rewarded with the potential of greater efficiency, cost savings, and improved data security. However, a lack of knowledge about blockchain technology still remains a barrier for many companies.

As a result, businesses must take the necessary steps to ensure that they are educated and equipped to make informed decisions about the adoption of blockchain technology. This will ensure that they can reap the benefits of a technology that promises to revolutionize their businesses.

Lack of Knowledge

With the rapid rise of blockchain technology, many businesses are feeling left behind due to a lack of knowledge about the technology and its implications.

While public awareness of blockchain technology is growing, industry adoption is still slow. This is due to the fact that many businesses are not familiar with the technology and are uncertain about the potential returns and risk mitigation it can provide.

Businesses may also be concerned about investing in blockchain technology due to its high initial costs.

To remain competitive, businesses must understand the potential of blockchain and embrace its advantages.

High Initial Costs

Investing in blockchain technology can come with hefty upfront costs, making it difficult for businesses to take the leap. There are several potential pitfalls that businesses should consider before investing in blockchain technology:

  • High cost of development
  • Expensive maintenance and upgrades
  • Lack of corporate standards
  • Difficulty in integration
  • Limited scalability

The high initial costs associated with implementing blockchain may be a deterrent for many businesses, but it’s important to consider the long-term business applications of blockchain technology in order to realize its potential.

Business Applications of Blockchain

You’re likely already seeing how blockchain is changing businesses, from supply chains to finance. From improving the speed of processing transactions to increasing system security, blockchain is proving to be a valuable tool for companies embracing the technology.

Adoption of blockchain technology is becoming more commonplace due to the potential it provides in terms of data security and cost savings. By removing the need for a centralized authority, blockchain technology eliminates the need for a third-party, which can greatly reduce the cost of transactions and data exchange.

Moreover, blockchain technology can be used to automate processes and improve data integrity. Smart contracts, for example, can be used to automate business processes and ensure that the terms of an agreement are met. This can help to reduce the cost of compliance and improve the accuracy of data. Additionally, blockchain technology can help to improve the security of data, as data stored on the blockchain is immutable and can be encrypted.

Blockchain technology is also being used to facilitate a variety of other applications, such as digital identity management, digital payments, and more. Companies can leverage the power of blockchain technology to develop new and innovative products and services that can benefit their customers.

As more businesses continue to adopt blockchain technology, the potential applications are growing rapidly.

The potential of blockchain technology is undeniable, and businesses are continuing to explore the possibilities. Companies are finding new ways to leverage the technology to create competitive advantages and improve customer satisfaction. As more businesses continue to adopt the technology, we can expect to see more transformative applications in the future.

With that said, it’s important for businesses to understand the potential risks associated with blockchain technology and ensure that they have adequate measures in place to protect their data. Moving forward, businesses that embrace blockchain technology will be better positioned to succeed in the future.

Conclusion and Implications

By embracing blockchain technology, companies can gain a competitive edge and improve customer satisfaction in the long-term. The organizational impact of blockchain technology is undeniable; it can streamline processes and provide greater data security.

Using blockchain technology, companies can reduce paperwork and simplify transactional processes, leading to reduced costs and improved customer satisfaction. It also provides an additional layer of data security, protecting data from malicious actors. Organizations can use blockchain technology to protect sensitive customer information and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

The potential of blockchain technology is vast, and its implications for businesses are profound. Companies can use blockchain technology to create new products and services and expand their customer base. It can also be used to establish secure communication channels with customers and partners, increasing trust and facilitating transactions. Additionally, blockchain technology can be used to create decentralized applications and to enable the secure sharing of data between users.

The adoption of blockchain technology is rapidly increasing, and businesses must take steps to capitalize on its potential. Companies must invest in the development of blockchain-based solutions and create an environment that is conducive to the adoption of new technology. Organizations must also be aware of the legal and regulatory implications of blockchain technology and ensure that they are compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

It is clear that blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. By taking advantage of the advantages of blockchain technology, companies can gain a competitive edge and improve customer satisfaction. From streamlining processes to securing data, the benefits of blockchain technology are vast. Companies must make sure they’re prepared to capitalize on its potential, or risk being left behind.


You’ve seen the results of the KPMG survey—blockchain is set to revolutionize how businesses operate, and the opportunities it presents are undeniable.

Although there are challenges to be addressed, the technology’s potential is huge. From providing cost-savings to enabling new methods of data sharing, blockchain can help businesses increase efficiency and drive innovation.

It’s clear that blockchain is here to stay, and the sooner you embrace it, the better off you’ll be.